每日一词:buttress(转自 韦氏词典)
原文链接 原文链接 Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for September 30, 2019 is: buttress • \BUTT-russ\ • noun 1 architecture : a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building 2 : something that resembles a buttress: such as a : a projecting part of a mountain or hill b biology : a horny protuberance on a horse’s hoof at the heel c botany : the broadened base of a tree trunk or a thickened vertical part of it 3 : something that supports or strengthens Examples: “The root system of one of the cedars has been hollowed out into a den, in which Neasloss finds black bear hair. One of the tree’s buttresses has been chopped long ago by what he recognizes was a nephrite ax, the green jade axes that the coastal people used until 1846, when they adopted steel axes.” — Alex Shoumatoff, Smithsonian , September 2015 “The modifications to Isabella [Dam] include raising the profile of the main and auxiliary dams 16 feet, adding...