每日一词:emblem(转自 韦氏词典)
原文链接 原文链接 Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for April 30, 2020 is: emblem • \EM-blum\ • noun 1 : a picture with a motto or set of verses intended as a moral lesson 2 : an object or the figure of an object symbolizing and suggesting another object or an idea 3 a : a symbolic object used as a heraldic device b : a device, symbol, or figure adopted and used as an identifying mark Examples: “The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience.” — Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray , 1891 “The 1870 home was built by the city’s first Presbyterian minister, Rev. Thomas Smith, who modeled it after his ancestral home in Scotland. A symbolic thistle—Scotland’s national emblem —is sculpted onto the marble fireplace.” — Sharon Roznik, The Reporter (Fond du Lac, Wisconsin), 18 Mar. 2020 Did you know? Both emblem and its synonym symbol trace back to the Greek verb bállein , meaning “to throw.” Emblem arose from embállein , meaning “to...