每日一词:emblazon(转自 韦氏词典)



Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for October 12, 2018 is:

emblazon • \im-BLAY-zun\  • verb

1 a : to inscribe or adorn with or as if with heraldic bearings or devices

b : to inscribe (something, such as heraldic bearings) on a surface

2 : celebrate, extol


Outside the stadium in the hours before the game, thousands of fans wearing shirts and hats emblazoned with the hometown team’s logo gathered.

“Berkshire County knows David York as the man just daring enough to open a museum dedicated to dogs and emblazon the sides of a stretch limousine with a depiction of a dachshund.” — Adam Shanks, The Berkshire Eagle (Massachusetts), 19 June 2018

Did you know?

English speakers have been using the heraldic sense of emblazon since the late 16th century, and before that there was the verb blazon (“to describe heraldically”) and the noun blazon (“a heraldic coat of arms”), which descend from Anglo-French blason. Emblazon still refers to adorning something with an emblem of heraldry, but it is now more often used for adorning or publicizing something in any conspicuous way, whether with eye-catching decoration or colorful words of praise.


October 12, 2018 at 01:00PM



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