每日一词:Cupid(转自 韦氏词典)



Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for February 14, 2020 is:

Cupid • \KYOO-pid\  • noun

1 : the Roman god of erotic love

2 not capitalized : a figure that represents Cupid as a naked usually winged boy often holding a bow and arrow


I purchased a large Valentine’s Day card decorated with hearts and cupids.

“St. Clair said the library won’t actively purchase more cake pan designs, but would welcome additional holiday themed designs such as a Christmas tree, a jack o’lantern, cupid or a witch.” — Pamela Thompson, The Ashland (Nebraska) Gazette, 13 Dec. 2019

Did you know?

According to Roman mythology, Cupid was the son of Mercury, the messenger god, and Venus, the goddess of love. In Roman times, the winged “messenger of love” was sometimes depicted in armor, but no one is sure if that was intended as a sarcastic comment on the similarities between warfare and romance, or a reminder that love conquers all. Cupid was generally seen as a good spirit who brought happiness to all, but his matchmaking could cause mischief. Venus wasn’t above using her son’s power to get revenge on her rivals, and she once plotted to have the beautiful mortal Psyche fall in love with a despicable man. But the plan backfired: Cupid fell in love with Psyche, and she eventually became his immortal wife.


February 14, 2020 at 01:00PM



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